Sunday, January 9, 2011

Checking In

I am turning 30 in THIRTY days. YIKES! So what has been accomplished on my list of 30 things to do before I turn 30?

Numbers 2-5: (the physical category)
2. I have lost 6 lbs and 5 inches SO FAR!!
3. I just finished the South Beach phase 1... today! Sugar craving is controlled, for now...
4. I am totally drinking 2 liters every day. I just need to get in 1/2 liter more!
5. The caffeine, which was ammended to allow me a bit every so often, is also under control!

(1. I have NOT been great about exercising each day... 30 days to get my butt in gear)

As I read over my goals, I am a bit overwhelmed. But, I am just doing my best!


Shanny said...

You can do it! I'm cheering for you!

Dawn said...

Our best is all we can do! I think you're amazing to have so much desire, self control, will power...

You're going to be 30!!!!??? How old is your mother?

Amanda said...

woop woop! Getting close! Good job on your goals so far.

Catherine said...

6 lbs is awesome! Way to go Linds!