So far the records for broken items by children show...
Josh: 1 pair of eyeglasses
1 cell phone
1 laptop
1 whole box of tampons, unwrapped and lined up across bedroom floor (pretty unusable after that!)
Jack: 1 lamp
1 drinking glass (same day as lamp)
1 remote in toilet (sorry boppa Goates)
1 XBox disc drive
1 full box of rice poured over entire kitchen floor

Now that Josh knows where things (he wants) are kept, he takes initiative and gets them himself. Here he is with a Costco-size bag of craisins heading downstairs to watch cartoons.
Jack is completely obsessed with water: dog bowl, puddles, toilets (he was found playing in his aunt's one night), cups, tubs, etc. Luckily, the bowl was empty (this time) when he climbed in.